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Pet Grooming

Dollarphotoclub 45497781smlHoof n Paws now have a grooming service available! Whether your pet needs a bath & blowdry or a full body groom, we can do it. Using specialised soap free shampoos and conditioners, and particular products for those with sensitive skin, all our clients receive a bath & blowdry, nail clip, check ears, teeth, skin and private parts.

Having your dog or cat professionally groomed by us will assist in keeping their coat and skin healthy, help prevent matting, see that their nails don't become overgrown and make them look the best that they can be!

For a long-haired pet we recommend having a full body clip every 3-4 months with regular brushing at home in between clips. We also offer a tidy up clip which is helpful between full clips or in the colder months. Our Vet Nurse/Groomer has lots of handy tips to aid in keeping your animals coat in tip top shape.

Full Body Clip

- Short shave all over the body to the style of your choice. Teddy bear is a favourite, where we clean up the face and tail but leave them a little longer then the body. If the fur is too matted we may not be able to do a style but will still make them look beautiful.

- Shampoo, Condition, Brush and Blow dry

- Clip nails, tidy up feet

- Check ears, teeth, skin and private parts

Tidy up Clip

- Shampoo, Condition, Brush and Blow dry

- Scissor around fringe, moustache and eyes

- Clip nails, tidy up feet and bottom

- Check ears, teeth, skin and private parts

Bath & Blowdry

- Shampoo, Condition, Brush and Blow dry

- Check ears, teeth, skin and private parts


Please give us a call if you have any queries on 5543 1213

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