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Vet Dictionary
- # - fracture (new!)
- Alopecia – loss of hair
- Anicoria - pupil in one eye is different size to the other one
- Anterior – towards the front
- Ataxic - loss of muscle control
- Ausculated – listened to with a stethoscope
- BAR – bright, alert, and responsive in their demeanor
- Bulla – in eyes, a large bulge, pocket or a round bulge
- Capillary Refill Time – the time it takes for the capillaries (in the gums) to refill with blood after being compressed (in most cases the normal time for this is less than 2 seconds)
- Carpal – knee joint in the forelimbs
- Caruncles – aggregated cells formed into a lump (often within granulation tissue in a wound
- Caudal – towards the tail
- Cornea – clear part of the front of the eye (if viewed from the side)
- Cranial – refers to towards the head/front
- Crepitus - crunching/crackling sounds/feeling (new!)
- Cyanotic - lacking oxygen, therefore blue
- DDFT - Deep Digital Flexure Tendon
- Desmotomy – cut a ligament
- Distal – away from the body
- Dorsal – refers to towards the back, also the front of the leg
- Effusion – a collection of fluid resulting in swelling, usually in reference to joints
- Eliptical - curved (new!)
- Enterolith - a build up of minerals in the intestine, causing obstruction
- Epiphora – eyes that are tearing, as in crying
- Ex - Examine
- Fetid – smelly
- Granulation – scar tissue
- ICS - Illiocaecal sounds (gut sounds)
- Lateral – away from the middle of the body
- Laxity - looseness, floppy (new!)
- Limbus – in eyes, edges of eye where the clear section meets the solid section
- Lysis – occurs in the bone, when there is less bone material present than there should be
- Medial – towards the middle of the body
- Metacarpal – cannon bone (below the knee) in the fore limbs
- Metatarsal – cannon bone (below the hock) in the hind limbs
- Miotic (refering to iris) – closed
- Mucous Membranes – membranes lining the body’s cavities (gums, anus, eyes etc.), and these should be pink and moist
- Nares – nostril
- Nasogastric Intubation – running a tube from the outside of nose down into the stomach
- Ngt - Nasogastric Intubation
- Oedema – swelling due to fluid accumulation in the tissues of the body
- Ossifying – becoming bony
- Osteitis – infection of a bone but not the marrow it contains
- Osteomyelitis – infection of a bone and the marrow it contains
- Palpation – feeling the area
- Plantar – back of a hindlimb
- Posterior – towards the back
- Proud Flesh – excess granulation (scar) tissue
- Pruitic – itchy
- Purulent – pusy
- Pyrexic - a fever/high temperature
- Recumbent – lying down
- Rx - History
- SDFT - Superficial Digital Flexure Tendon
- Serous – straw-coloured discharge
- Synovial Foranimae - Holes in the navicular bone
- Tarsal – hock joint (in the hindlimbs)
- Tenotomy – cut a tendon
- Topical - treating onto the surface (new!)
- Tx - Treatment
- Ventral – towards the belly
- WNL - within normal limits (new!)