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Buying a Kitten & Advice for New Owners

Dollarphotoclub 54302051smlWhat should you do to take the best care possible of your new kitten? Here’s our advice in a nutshell!

Buy a cat that suits YOU!

If you’ve got very little spare time then a really long haired breed which might needs lots of grooming might prove difficult.  Think about your situation BEFORE you go looking for that new kitten. Can you confine it to your house or will it live outdoors during the daytime? There are a range of outdoor enclosures to suit all budgets and tastes.



Try to ensure you buy as healthy a kitten as possible by seeing the kitten in the flesh before you buy it. Seeing its mother, and if possible father, is also useful to check their general temperament and health. Preferably buy a kitten that has had its first vaccination and been checked by a vet. If you're not after a certain breed from a breeder why not consider adopting from a shelter or rescue organisation. Most will ensure all necessary vetwork has been seen to prior to you taking your bundle of fluff home, and you will be doing your bit to reduce overpopulation. 

Vaccinate it!

This is essential. It means that your new kitten will have a thorough examination by a veterinarian who will check for any problems that might be evident. It also gives your kitten protection against some of the common contagious and even fatal diseases that it might contract.

Vaccinations are due at 8 week, 12 weeks and 16 weeks. Then annually.

Dollarphotoclub 66746662smlWorm it!

Worms can cause serious health problems for the cat and may transfer to people.

Worming is done once every 2 weeks from 2-12 weeks of age then once a month form 3-6 months of age then once every 3 months for life.

Prevent Heartworm!

Heartworm is transmitted by mosquitoes. It is not necessarily covered by general gut worming tablets. We recommend monthly application of a suitable product such as Advocate or Revolution..

Heartworm prevention is due monthly.

Desex it!

Unless there is a very good reason to breed your cat we recommend that you desex it.

Desexing due at 6 months.

Microchip it!

This permanently identifies your kitten and can help return it to you if it gets lost.

Microchipping legally should be done before 12 weeks of age but can be physically done later.


Dollarphotoclub 41405868smlRegister it!

Make sure that you register your new kitten with the relevant local council.

Scenic Rim regional Council 

Logan City Council 

Feed it well!

We recommend a good quality cat biscuit such as Hills, Eukanuba or Iams. 75% of the cat’s food intake should be a balanced food such as this. The remainder can be made up of an occasional (e.g. weekly) raw chicken neck or wing bone or home cooked food. Some may choose to feed a raw diet plan but make sure you follow a balanced program and seek veterinary advice before proceeding. Always keep clean fresh water freely available.

Train it!

Well behaved cats aren’t an accident they happen most often due to good training from an early age.  Litter tray or outdoor toileting need to begin from the start. Stick to a routine in your cat’s life and that will also make life easier for everyone.

Lastly: Enjoy it!

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